Shetland Sheepdog | Osteoarthritis Management

Age: 10 years
Diagnosis: Osteoarthritis

Before the treatment

Owner’s comment: Usually the dog was physically active and interested to interact. However, suddenly Reina began to walk less, wasn’t interested to play, and gave up easier. Unfortunately, all of the medications and supplements worth thousands weren’t helping.

After 6 months

Owner’s comment: For a few days after therapy, Raina didn’t trust her suddenly lessened pain, climbing steps with great caution. But today everything has changed. Raina goes outside for five play sessions a day, even in the bitter cold.

Read more about Raina’s recovery case here.

Animal stem cell therapy case study that changed dogs life

Golden Retriever | Elbow Arthritis Therapeutic

Age: 11 years
Diagnosis: Elbow arthritis

Before the treatment

Owner’s comment: The disease created difficulties to get up the stairs after daily walks that didn’t go smoothly as well because of pain and lameness.

After 6 months

Veterinarian’s comment: Before therapy dog had significantly uneven weight balance on her legs. However, after stem cell injection it gradually disappeared along with pain and lameness.

Owner’s comment: Within half a year Bella returned to her playful, pain-less, and comfortable life.

Read more about Greta’s recovery case here.

golden retriever cures arthritis with stem cells success case

Labrador Retriever | Elbow Arthritis

Age: 1 year
Diagnosis: Elbow arthritis in the right leg

Before the treatment

Owner’s comment: Everything went its usual way until we noticed strange lameness after activities, pain while jumping, and struggle to get up. At first, these symptoms occurred occasionally but soon turned into everyday life.

After 6 months

Veterinarian’s comment: Subtrochlear sclerosis that came along with arthritis decreased by 34.34%, thereby stabilizing joint movement.

Owner’s comment: In a month the dog got rid of pain and stiffness, while lameness faded out after the second month. After 6 months, Greta was pain-free, strong, and active.

Read more about Greta’s recovery case here.

Labrador arthritis success case stem cell therapy

Bullmastiff | Elbow Arthritis Treatment 

Age: 1 year
Diagnosis: Elbow arthritis in the right leg

Before the treatment

Owner’s comment: The dog was struggling with seemingly simple things like getting up and walking. Arthritis made his life 10 times slower and more difficult.

After 6 months

Owner’s comment: Sclerosis and osteophyte that came along with arthritis decreased, thereby improving the dog’s weight balance on legs and movement amplitude. In fact, only two months after Stem Cell Therapy there were no signs of pain, stiffness, and lameness.

Read more about Dao’s recovery case here.

Bullmastiff wins arthritis with stem cells success case Medrego

Rottweiler | Elbow Arthritis Management

Age: 1.5 years
Diagnosis: Medial coronoid disease of the left elbow joint

Before the treatment

Veterinarian’s comment: 1 month before Stem Cell Therapy left elbow joint was surgically treated. Also, four days prior to cell therapy, the front right leg was injured.

Owner’s comment: Disease in Persy’s elbow caused awful pain and made every step difficult, leading to stiffness and lameness.

After 6 months

Veterinarian’s comment: Based on the medical history, before Stem Cell Therapy the dog puts her weight more on the right leg, however, 2 months after treatment weight evened out, and the pain disappeared.

Owner’s comment: Within 6 months dog gradually got rid of pain, lameness, and stiffness. Thereby, improvements increased range of motion and flexibility.

Read more about Persy’s success case here.

rottweiler arthritis success case stem cell therapy

Corgy | Joint Arthritis

Age: 4 years
Diagnosis: Right elbow dysplasia, osteoarthritis, incongruence

Before the treatment

Veterinarian’s comment:  Dysplasia of the right elbow joint (Medial coronoid growth disease, shoulder bone – elbow bone incongruence). Osteoarthritis of the right elbow joint. Incongruence of the right elbow joint. Medial coronoid growth disease of the left elbow joint.

Owner’s comment: Arko felt horrific pain that came along with lameness, swellings, stiffness, and overall discomfort. We tried to help him with medications and supplements. Unfortunately, none of these things made reasonable changes to the condition.

After 6 months

Veterinarian’s comment: Right elbow joint: medial coronoid growth of irregular structure, hypodense line visible in cranial part, dislocation of the detached part not visualized. The proliferation of young bone in the proximal part of the spine. Increased distance between the elbow bone and the shoulder bone condyle. Proximal elbow with conformational disorders. Left elbow joint: medial coronoid growth with sclerotic changes, irregular structures, the proliferation of young bone tissue visible. Shoulder joints: without convincing pathological changes.

Owner’s comment: The dog got rid of the pain. He also stopped limping and was able to freely walk and run, without discomfort.

Read more about Arko’s success case here.

corgi arthritis stem cell therapy medrego canicell success case

Horse Suspensory Ligament Injury

Age: 9 years
Type: Showjumping, S-class
Diagnosis: Insert. Desmopatilig susp, RH, prox

Before the treatment

Before and After Case Studies

Veterinarian comments: Size of the lesion before stem cell injection approx 2/3 of the suspensory insertion. Notice a little periosteal reaction, arrow, and hypoechogenicity of the fibers (thin arrow). Very difficult case to treat; normally with conservative treatment, NSAID+Rest+controlled exercise. Usually, we see a poor outcome for those kinds of injuries.

After 3,5 months

Veterinarian comments: Complete healing, the pony is put back to work, trained up over 6 – 8 weeks. Now competing at the high level again.

Horse Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon Injury

Age: 9 years
Type: Show jumping
Diagnosis: Injury, SDFT, prox

Before the treatment

Horse treatment with stem cells

Veterinarian comments: Size of the lesion before Medrego EquiCell injection proximal SDFT, below carpal region, 1/3 of the tendon.

After 4 months

Horse treatment with Stem Cells

Veterinarian comments: The horse has returned to normal work; the lesion is hardly recognizable on ultrasound scan.

Horse Suspensory Ligament Injury

Age: 10 years
Diagnosis: Damage and scarring on both front suspensory ligaments

Before the treatment

Owner’s comments: While performing jumps in training and competition the horse’s legs puff up and he became sore to the point the discomfort didn’t allow the horse to continue his career. Veterinarian examinations showed high levels of damage and scarring on both of his front suspensory ligaments.

After 6 months

Owner’s comments: After careful rehab from Stem Cell Therapy, within 6 months the horse was 100% recovered from injury and jumping 1.35-meter-high courses.

Read more about Hilton’s success case here.

stem cell therapy saves life of an horse, equicell, medrego stem cell treatment for horse, success case

Proximal Suspensory Desmitis in Horse

Age: 8 years
Type: Dressage, High Level
Diagnosis: Desmitis, insert lig susp. Prox, LH

Before the treatment

Horse treatment with Stem Cells

Veterinarian comments: Size of the lesion before Medrego EquiCell injection, 2/3 of the insertional region, Very severe injury; The horse is lame grad 2,5-3, on the longe, graded on a scale from 0-5, where grad 5 is not weight bearing.
The lesion is in the bottom of the picture; The structure of the fibers is normal, more rougher woven, in a suspensory ligament, but here we see much hypoechogenicity, which shows a big lesion in the tendon; Normally the horses have a guarded prognosis, for returning to full athletic performance.

After 3,5 months

Horse treatment with Stem Cells

Veterinarian comments: Back to normal work, complete healing without scar tissue, hyperechogenicity.

Treatment of Horse Suspensory Ligament Desmopathy

Age: 6 years
Type: Dressage horse, with high potential
Diagnosis: Insertional desmopathy, lig. suspensorium, proximal, RH

Before the treatment

Horse treatment with Stem Cells

Veterinarian comments: Size of the lesion before Medrego EquiCell injection, Severe lesion in lig suspensorium, proximal insertion; Damage to the fibers where it inserts on the bone; Hypoechogenicity, broken fiber pattern.

After 4 months

Horse treatment with Stem Cells

Veterinarian comments: Complete recovery, the horse has returned to work.

Horse Suspensory Ligament Damage

Age: 5 years
Type: Dressage, pre-start
Diagnosis: Lesion lig susp, LF, lower 1/3 + distally

Before the treatment

Horse treatment with Stem Cell Therapy

Veterinarian comments: Size of the lesion before Medrego EquiCell injection approx 1/5 of the lig susp.  Both core lesions, also involving the margin of the tendon; very difficult to treat.

After 4 months

Horse treatment with Stem Cell Therapy

Veterinarian comments: Healing in progress, this type of lesion takes several months to heal, note the filling of the lesion.

Proximal Suspensory Ligament Desmitis in Horse

Age: 5 years
Type: Dressage, start level, sports pony
Diagnosis: Prox. Insertional desmitis, lig susp., RH

Before the treatment

Equine Stem Cell Therapy

Veterinarian comments: Size of the lesion before EquiCell injection prox 50 % of the lig. Suspensorium; (Arrow), very big lesion, and very difficult to treat; Hypoechogenicity is dominating, pretreatment.

After 4 months

Equine Stem Cell Therapy

Veterinarian comments: Control, The horse has returned back to daily training.

Horse Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon Injury

Age: 17 years
Type: Showjumping
Diagnosis: Injury SDFT, prox. 1/3, LF

Before the treatment

Stem Cell therapy for Horse treatment

Veterinarian comments: Size of the lesion before Medrego EquiCell injection 90-95% of SDFT; The size of this lesion is bad; It is almost impossible to do anything.
Normally this type of lesion is so severe, that the animal is euthanized, and a future career is impossible; Here we tried to do the impossible, and treat this very valuable animal. Most of the tendon is affected.

After 3,5 months

Stem Cell therapy for Horse treatment

Veterinarian comments: A healing that one didn’t think about! Yes we still see a bigger circumferential diameter of the tendon, but almost normal fiber pattern and realignment of the fibers; Over time the diameter of the tendon will become smaller and smaller, but for now this is very ok: The very special thing is healing of this big a lesion, without scar tissue (seen as hyperechogenicity) in the tendon.

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