Reasons To Choose Medrego Stem Cell Therapy

For decades researchers have enforced Stem Cells as a way to treat animal injuries. Doctors are already using stem cells to treat people with leukemia or diabetes. If we use Stem Cells for humans, why not use them for our pets as well?

The most common injuries that pet owners treat with Stem Cells are joint injuries (such as arthritis, dysplasia) and soft tissue injuries. There are many reasons to choose stem cell therapy and here are just a couple of them:


We follow a strict and approved Quality Control in compliance with European directives minimizing the risks of bacterial or viral contamination.
Together with each Stem Cell product we also ship Quality Control certificate from the third-party laboratory.
Cells are prepared according to protocol and following standards. (e.g. ISO9001:2008).


Our highly experienced team with R&D knowledge is capable of developing specific products for each situation.
It can be any animal or any effect you want to achieve.
Starting from everyday injuries up to custom immunomodulation treatments for maximum performance and energy boost when you need it.


Other therapies result in long waiting times and the formation of scar tissue, which makes the patient prone to repeated injury.
Our Stem Cell Therapy prevents the formation of scar tissue, stimulating and supporting the body to repair the damaged area with cells similar to the original tissue.
We support up to 3 times faster healing and first improvements can already be seen after 2 weeks.
Hundreds of animals have returned to the previous level and exceeded their owner’s expectations.


Animal treatment is around since 2004, therefore many studies and success cases can be evaluated.
We have had hundreds of our own cases, so we can be sure about the effectiveness of our therapy (up to 85-90 % success rate).
The long-term regenerative effect of Stem Cells can be seen even after several months.
Our protected technology and potentially unique cell source make our product one of the best in the market with more active growth factors needed for the regenerative effect.


Our regular treatment option contains 10 million sterile allogeneic mesenchymal tissue cells aseptically packaged into ready-to-use syringe or vial (cryotube).
The dose can be easily kept in the freezer (-20C or -80C) until you needed it. When the injury appears, just thaw the frozen product and it is ready to be injected using the ultrasound guidance.
Stem Cell Therapy can be easily performed in the clinic as well as on the field (for horse).


We can not measure the value of a cured and happy animal, but we have gone huge steps ahead for the treatment to become more and more affordable to any customer. Our Allogeneic (donor-derived) Stem Cell Therapy is more cost-effective than Autologous (patient-derived) therapy and gives the same effects. Combined with the long-term anti-inflammatory effect, Medrego Stem Cell Therapy is also more cost & time effective than other conventional treatments.

*Disclaimer: Medrego Cell products are not classified as medicinal products** or a veterinary drug. Medrego Cell products contain unmodified sterile animal mesenchymal tissue cells only for transplantation in animals. The product is made on a specific doctor’s demand/order.
** Definition of a veterinary medicinal product in the European Union can be found in Article 2 of Directive 2004/28/EC, an amendment of Directive 2001/82/EC relating to veterinary medicinal products.