How to tell if a horse has a tendon injury?

Tendons are bands of dense connective tissue tying muscle to bone or cartilage. These structures are designed to passively transfer force across joints or provide movement. In fact, overall tendon injury is one of the most common leg injuries. Tendon injuries can vary in severity, from a mild strain to a complete tear. One of the most common injuries is often referred to as a “bowed” tendon.  They can be noticed by common symptoms:

  • Inflammation;
  • Heat and swelling;
  • Painful limb;
  • Limping as well as walking with toe tipped up if the tendon is ruptured;
  • Exercise intolerance, disinterest in physical activity;
  • Difficulties to walk.

Tendon injuries left without medical care can significantly worsen the health of the horse. Therefore, you need to act fast and contact your veterinarian. Afterward, a vet will define the diagnosis and the most effective treatment. They might include anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, surgery, and neurectomy. As well as more advanced treatments like Stem Cell Therapy.