Animal Cell Therapies – New Way To Treat Injuries

Stem Cell Therapy is one of the few animal therapies that fall under the umbrella of regenerative medicine, a fast-growing field that’s creating a major buzz in veterinary and human medical circles.

These treatments use the body’s own repair tools with the goal of better healing.

You can help your four-legged friend after injury or just improve his body when aging. Stem Cells will do the work and migrate towards the area where help is needed the most.

Stem cell therapy for animal treatment

Stem Cells have the potential to develop into some or many of the different specialized cells that make up body tissues, such as muscle, bone, blood, nerves or others.

There have been decades of studies in this area, so you can be sure that the treatment is safe and effective. See more information in our Science & Publications section.

Indications show that Stem Cell Therapy can help in the tendon, ligament, joint, cartilage, and bone tissue injury treatment, decrease inflammation and pain, heal damaged cells, prevent their further deterioration, promote active tissue regeneration and improve animals’ overall health.

The Process of Stem Cell Theapy

Stem Cells are collected either from your animal’s or another, young and healthy donor, animal’s adipose tissue by a veterinarian.
After preparation, under local or light full-body anesthesia patient receives an injection of Stem Cells into the damaged area (local (AI) or intravenous (IV) injection).
Cells can move to inflamed or damaged tissue, can suppress inflammation, can relieve pain, and cause new tissue to grow.

Our stem cell treatment (EquiCell and CaniCell) is not a medicinal product** or a veterinary drug. EquiCell and CaniCell stem cell treatment contains unmodified sterile animal mesenchymal tissue cells and is prepared on a specific doctor’s order.
Allogeneic product is intended as a research product only. The designation allows using the research product in vitro testing and laboratory experimentation.
All product information available on this website is for educational purposes only. This product should only be handled by licensed, qualified professionals.

** Definition of a veterinary medicinal product in the European Union can be found in Article 2 of Directive 2004/28/EC, an amendment of Directive 2001/82/EC relating to veterinary medicinal products.

Proven Efficacy

Scientists, together with doctors, have been using stem cell treatment for animals since 2004. We ourselves have a great experience in providing treatment for the most common injuries in hundreds of horses and dogs.

Stem Cells have shown very good results for soft tissue injuries in horses and arthritis in dogs. Success rate for these options is up to 90%.

Besides these, we are also providing the therapy that can be used for immunomodulation purposes to improve the weakest part of animal health, as well as successful recovery after surgeries.

Reviews From A Dog Owners and Veterinarians After Using Stem Cell Therapy

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