Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are not the same, and there is a significant difference between …

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are not the same, and there is a significant difference between …
One of the common problems most pet owners face in their daily routine is their furry friend’s diarrhea or an …
Gastritis is defined as a condition in which there is inflammation occurs in the stomach. This condition can be very …
Noises in your dog’s stomach mean there is something to concern about. Basically, it is an alarm that something is …
Inovatīvais Latvijas biotehnoloģiju uzņēmums, Medrego, sadarbībā ar vadošajiem zinātniekiem veterinārajā jomā piedāvā jaunus dabīgos uztura bagātinātājus Black Balance by Medrego …
Diarrhea and vomiting are one of the two main problems faced by dog owners. In fact, they are the main …
One of the most common pet owners’ complaints is that their dog has bad breath, and most of them start …
When it comes to dog arthritis, it can sadly be an unavoidable fact of life in many cases. That being …
There is proof that stem cells can interact with resident immune cells in the arthritic joint and secrete anti-inflammatory cytokines. …
Your dog doesn’t seem to want to open his eyes? They appear thick, red, and swollen, and you notice mucus …